We have a range of policies that outline our commitment to the provision of high quality, dependable and sustainable services to our customers. These policies are reviewed and reissued on a regular basis. We have provided a selection of commonly requested policies here. Additional policies are available upon request.

Business Continuity Policy Statement
A business continuity management system will be operated by Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, to identify and evaluate business continuity risks arising from relevant foreseeable events and the level of their impacts on the business.
The management system shall provide effective planning to implement loss prevention, business impact resilience and damage mitigation; based on assessed risk. Business continuity plans will be developed and maintained to provide a structured set of recovery objectives and supporting information for use by the senior management team in the event of incidents with a major impact on the business.
The managing director shall have overall responsibility for the effectiveness of planning and for ensuring that the plans continue to meet the changing and developing needs of the business going forward. The management system shall meet the requirements of ISO22301 and certification to this standard shall be maintained.
The senior leadership team shall ensure ongoing review of continuity management performance, provision of adequate resources and commitment to continued improvement of the system.
Department representatives throughout the business shall be responsible for the development of business continuity planning at departmental level; ensuring that effective planning and testing meets all relevant requirements of contractual and statutory requirements.
The risk and compliance team shall support the managing director, ensuring continuing co-ordination and integrity of the business continuity team and implementation of planning. The risk & compliance manager will be responsible for the input of continuity management performance to senior management for review.
The level of planning and resources deployed will be based on assessed risk of events occurring and their subsequent potential impact on critical processes or assets. Planning detail and investment in resources will be proportionate to assessed risk indicators.
Business continuity planning will be implemented to assure all stakeholders of the organisation’s intentions and ability to manage potential significant impacts on business activities.
Tim Westbrook
Managing Director
January 2025
Environmental Policy Statement
At Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, our vision is to create a sustainable growing business which makes a lasting and true impact on the way IT is sold by providing a full circular procurement cycle to our customers for the good of the environment and future generations.
Fundamental to sustainability is recognising our impact on the environment and together we are committed to meeting our environmental responsibilities, minimising impact, preventing pollution and protecting the environment. As part of this Converge is committed to achieving Carbon Net Zero emissions for scopes 1 and 2 by 2030, with interim goals to monitor and report on progress through a carbon reduction plan.
Converge shall maintain a companywide environmental management system certified to ISO 14001 in order to monitor, control and continually improve environmental performance. Converge will maintain its Zero to Landfill certification as a demonstration of its commitment towards a circular economy.
Compliance with the requirements of the environmental management system is mandatory for all staff.
Prevention of pollution, reduction in environmental impact and protection of the environment will be achieved by:
- Clear and quantified understanding of Converge’s environmental impact.
- Identification and understanding of all environmental legislation applicable to its activities, products and impacts.
- Implementation of defined controls to ensure environmental protection, legal compliance, pollution prevention and minimisation of impact.
- Commitment of senior management to the development and progression of a programme of impact reductions.
- Working towards the Making a Digital Difference programme agreed by the board.
- Internal communication of environmental policy, controls & programme.
- Development of Converge’s products & services to meet recognised standards, social responsibilities, and market demands. As part of our commitment and approach to broad and inclusive engagement, Converge supports a variety of charters and pledges that promote social and environmental sustainability including DEFRA Digital Sustainability Alliance and UN Race to Zero.
- Provision of IT recycling services to meet its producer obligations for the mitigation of impacts from end-of-life EEE.
- Continued review by senior management of environmental performance.
Tim Westbrook
Managing Director
January 2025
Health and Safety Policy Statement
It is the policy of Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, to comply with the terms of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent legislation and to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Certification to ISO 45001 will be maintained as evidence of this commitment.
Converge is committed to continual improvement and the prevention of work-related injury and ill health. Converge’s health and safety objective is to minimise the number of instances of occupational accidents and illnesses with the aim of achieving no RIDDOR reportable accidents. As part of its commitment to Zero Harm Converge will continue to encourage the reporting of all near misses, incidents and accidents. These will be monitored and measured through a programme of occupational health and safety targets which include the monitoring of accidents and near misses.
It is the overall responsibility of the managing director for the effectiveness of the health & safety policy and the review of its performance.
The senior leadership team shall be responsible for the implementation of health and safety policies procedures.
All staff have a responsibility for their own safety and that of any other person who may be affected by their activities.
Staff shall be provided with equipment, information, training and supervision as is necessary to implement the policy and achieve the stated objective.
Converge operates a safety committee to facilitate the consultation and participation of all workers in matters relating to health and safety. All areas of the business are represented within this committee.
Converge recognises and accepts its duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the company, including contractors and temporary workers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by its activities.
Senior management will ensure the provision of effective systems for the reporting of injuries and illness with subsequent reporting to regulatory bodies as required.
In the event of a member of staff genuinely believing that their immediate working conditions are unsafe they are empowered to stop working and remove themselves to a place of safety. Any such occurrences must be reported to line management as soon as it is safe to do so.
Converge shall maintain a manual detailing how it will meet relevant health and safety legislation, guidance or best practice and ensure that all relevant information is made available to its staff or other stakeholders.
Tim Westbrook
Managing Director
January 2025
Information Security Policy Statement
Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, is committed to the security and integrity of all information for which it holds legal responsibility, whilst under its control.
To meet its commitments, the company has developed an Information Security Management System (ISMS) with the Managing Director responsible for its effective performance. A Data Protection Officer and CISO contribute to the overall Information Security posture.
Converge is committed to the continual improvement of its ISMS which shall cover all company activities, meet the requirements of ISO 27001 and ensure compliance with relevant data protection legislation.
The aim of the ISMS shall be the prevention of significant risk of ‘harm or distress’to individuals, groups, clients or Converge; via release or loss of information with identified negative impact or legal non compliance.
Under the ISMS provisions information security objectives shall be established and monitored and all information assets, current or potential; shall be identified and subject to impact and risk evaluation. Information assets shall be assigned owners with responsibility for the implementation of effective controls to ensure that any identified risks are mitigated to an acceptable level.
Reported breaches of information security shall be processed via the company ISMS, to ensure full investigation of root causes and implementation of effective corrective actions.The effectiveness of management systems generally will be reviewed periodically by the senior leadership team and reported to the managing director as part of Converge’s commitment to continual improvement.
It is the responsibility of all Converge employees to adhere to ISMS requirements, in order that they fulfil their responsibilities for information security. All employees are responsible for the reporting of any known or potential information security breaches.
Tim Westbrook
Managing Director
January 2025
Quality Policy Statement
Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, strives to make a true and lasting difference to the way IT is sold providing a full circular procurement cycle for customers for the good of the environment and future generations. We empower our customers to improve the education, health, and quality of life of people in the UK and further afield, or to transform their businesses creating greater productivity and value.
Quality is at the heart of everything we do and as a team we are committed to the maintenance of an effective Quality Management System ensuring a high level of customer focus, providing products and services which are reliable and meet or exceed all applicable requirements.
The Quality Management System will meet the requirements of ISO 9001 as a minimum and recognised certification to this standard will be maintained.
Converge will always strive to continually improve in all aspects of its business activities, which will be achieved through regular review by its senior management of performance data.
The Quality Management System will facilitate processes for the capture of customer feedback, satisfaction levels, product and service performance in order that senior management can determine objectives for the organization and monitor these to facilitate continuous improvement.
The senior leadership team shall be responsible for the effective implementation and progression of the Quality Management System. They will ensure that adequate resources, competency levels and staff adherence to requirements are maintained, in order to meet objectives.
All staff must adhere to the requirements of the Quality Management System.
Tim Westbrook
Managing Director
January 2025
Sustainability Policy Statement
Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, strives to make a true and lasting difference to the way IT is sold providing a full circular procurement cycle for customers for the good of the environment and future generations. We empower our customers to improve the education, health, and quality of life of people in the UK, and support businesses to create greater productivity and value. Converge is committed to the pursuit of increased sustainability in all business activities and in meeting all obligations; which encompass environmental, social and economic aspects. We have aligned our activities to the UN Sustainability Development Goals and set up a Sustainability Framework “Making a Digital Difference” of 10 focus areas.
- Circular Economy (SDG 12, Responsible Consumption/Pillar Infrastructure/Repair/Reuse/Warranty)
- Sustainable Procurement (SDG 11, Sustainable Cities/Pillar Partner Hubs)
- Net Zero (SDG 13, Climate Action/ Target Net Zero 2030)
- Environmental Protection & biodiversity (SDG 14/15 Land and Sea)
- Zero Waste (SDG 15, Life on Land)
Social Sustainability
- Sustainable Solutions (SDG 9, Innovation, Pillar Networking)
- Social Value (SDG 10, Reduce Inequalities)
- Wellbeing and Engagement (SDG3, Good Health)
- Protecting Human Rights (SDG8, Good Jobs/Economic Growth/Security)
- Closing the Digital Gap (SDG4, Quality Education)
The managing director has overall responsibility for business sustainability and shall provide business strategies for implementation by the senior leadership team; these strategies address the risks and opportunities with potential impact on the business.
The strategy adopted is to ensure that core values of the business are integral to its key policy decision making and business strategies.
- Sustainability
- Dedication
- Service Matters
- Believing in People
- Integrity
- Innovation
The application of these values by senior management shall ensure:
- Unbiased engagement with all identified stakeholders of the business, to ensure full comprehension of issues relating to sustainability.
- Commitment to the application of core values throughout its activities and behaviour, achieving effects on sustainability issues beyond minimal legal requirements to which it complies.
- Management and accountability for the full life cycle effects of all business activities.
- Clear communication of the effects of business activities and progression in sustainable development, to all stakeholders; in a concise and accurate manner.
The senior leadership team will implement adequate policies and resources to achieve progression against objectives identified to address sustainability issues, creating business opportunity and increasing stakeholder confidence.
The full commitment and participation of all stakeholders, shall be required to ensure the successful implementation of this policy.
Tim Westbrook
Managing Director
January 2025
Sustainable Procurement/Supply Chain Policy
Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, commits to a sustainable supply chain policy that is fully aligned to our goal of creating sustainable growth. We invest in sustainability through supply chain partnerships, processes, and in our people to deliver sustainable outcomes through our procurement activities. We encourage our suppliers, partners and sub-contractors to support us in this commitment.
As a purpose-driven IT service provider with a legacy as a best-in-class recycling facility with zero to landfill accreditation, Converge is ready to take the lead within the area of sustainable supply chain and circular economy, and to share this knowledge with others for the good of the planet. Converge plans to achieve this by implementing the following.
Aspect | Strategy |
Carbon emissions | To quantify Converge’s current carbon emissions and develop a plan to manage these as part of Converge’s drive towards Net Zero by 2030, with interim milestones and transparent reporting of progress. |
Circular Economy | To operate a best-in-class recycling and reuse facility with Zero to Landfill accreditation championing repair and reuse whenever possible. |
Customers | To arrange regular customer events to educate and support customers in combined collaborative sustainable business activities such as energy usage reduction technologies, maximising equipment longevity and the benefits of end of life equipment recycling. |
Environmental Management | To reduce the key environmental impacts of supply chain operations and work with suppliers and subcontractors to minimise and manage these impacts and ensure legal compliance. |
Ethical Sourcing | To source products, materials and services ethically and to empower employees to raise any concerns. |
Labour Standards | To increase awareness of acceptable labour practices and the hazards of modern slavery, both within Converge and the wider supply chain. |
Materials Usage | To minimise waste and move to using more sustainable materials in products and packaging. To encourage suppliers and customers to do the same. |
Payment | To pay our supply chain in line with agreed payment terms. |
People | To recruit locally where possible and provide training and opportunities for apprenticeships and work experience. |
Supporting Smaller Suppliers | To pro-actively work with small and medium sized suppliers and local businesses who support Converge’s aims to offer them the opportunity to join our supply chain. |
Supply chain management | A robust onboarding processes for new suppliers, both of goods and services, to ensure their aims and values are aligned with those of Converge. Regular review of existing suppliers. Both Converge and suppliers shall comply with Converge’s Supplier Code of Conduct. |
Tim Westbrook
Managing Director
January 2025